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It Can Get Really Cold in Minnesota
by Garrison Keillor
(Dec 19, 2024)
The cold has drawn us together as mammals. They know that I used to live here and then moved to New York, but they're in a forgiving mood because here I am suffering with them…
When Life Isn't So Wonderful
by Greg Asimakoupoulos
(Dec 14, 2024)
A poignant scene from It’s a Wonderful Life is one we understand…
The Perils of Pedestrianism Explained
by Garrison Keillor
(Dec 12, 2024)
Nonetheless, I like New York. I’m glad to be done with lawn mowing and snow shoveling. We live two blocks from the subway where the downtown train will take me to the main library or Lincoln Center or lunch in the Village…
A St. Nicholas Day Reflection
by Greg Asimakoupoulos
(Dec 7, 2024)
A framed calligraphy in a local thrift store provided a definition of redemption…
So What Are We to Do Now?
by Garrison Keillor
(Dec 5, 2024)
I enjoy the New York Times and I love it all the more now that I see it has practically no power at all.…
Walking to Church on a Cold Day
by Garrison Keillor
(Nov 28, 2024)
We live in troubled times but perhaps there needs to be a time-out from trouble and maybe I'll make it Sunday. Put the worries of this life aside…
The Lyrics of Gratitude
by Greg Asimakoupoulos
(Nov 28, 2024)
Thoughts inspired by the familiar lyrics of hymns and songs of the Thanksgiving season…
Sheltering in Grace
by Greg Asimakoupoulos
(Nov 23, 2024)
Thoughts from Greg's book providing 'Thoughtful Insights in Uncertain Times.…
Thanks for What?
by James N. Watkins
(Nov 22, 2024)
If you find yourself a bit down at Thanksgiving, Jim has some thoughts to put the holiday in perspective. First appeared in 2000..
Thank You for Reading This
by Garrison Keillor
(Nov 21, 2024)
So many blessings, and I haven't even mentioned friendship, sunsets, public transportation, Christian hymnody, baseball, hearing aids, the steady thoughtful leadership of my wife, trees, parks, rivers, the prairie, sonnets, Google, and cranberries…
From Heartbreak to a Timeless Hymn
by Greg Asimakoupoulos
(Nov 16, 2024)
The storms of life have birthed many beloved hymns…
Thanksgiving Turkey Trivia
by James N. Watkins
(Nov 15, 2024)
Do you have nothing better to do with your time than to read worthless trivia? Then, you'll be enriched by our educational special report on Melgris Gallopavos…
A Good Weekend in Georgia
by Garrison Keillor
(Nov 14, 2024)
I'm grateful that, as a kid, I got to experience 'visiting,' when the family got in the car and dropped in at someone's house and sat around and visited…
Your House Versus the White House
by Greg Asimakoupoulos
(Nov 9, 2024)
Who you are, how you think, what you say, how you act and how you react will have a far more lasting impact eon our nation than the temporary inhabitants of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue…
Happiness and the Price of Groceries
by Garrison Keillor
(Nov 7, 2024)
love mac and cheese because I loved grade school back in the Fifties and that’s what Mabel served in the Benson School cafeteria…
The Best Christmas Pageant Ever Movie
by Rusty Wright
(Nov 4, 2024)
Humor with meaning…
Everyday is Like Sunday
by Greg Asimakoupoulos
(Nov 2, 2024)
This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice! Psalm 118:24
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A Good Man Gone to Glory
by Garrison Keillor
(Jan 18, 2025)
Jimmy Carter's trademark was honesty, and as a boy I managed to avoid that as well. When people asked me, "How are you?" I said, "Fine." "How is school?" "Good." Telling the truth only led to more questions…
A Heartfelt Call for Action
by Greg Asimakoupoulos
(Jan 18, 2025)
The Los Angeles fires have blazed a path in our hearts…
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