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Category: Trends / Topics: Change • Demographics • Optimal Aging • Trends
A Different Storm Rising
Posted: October 7, 2022
While not deadly like hurricane Ian, there is a different kind of squall rising that impacts our culture in critical ways…
Hurricane Ian made landfall in southwest Florida as a Category 4 hurricane in late September. It caused catastrophic damage mainly from flooding due to extreme storm surges and rainfall. The cities of Fort Meyers Beach and Naples were the hardest hit. Sanibel also suffered significant flooding, and its causeway collapsed, cutting off access to the island. At last count, over 100 people lost their lives due to Ian's wrath.
While not deadly, there is a different kind of squall rising that impacts our culture in critical ways. It is the aging of our society. The Boomers, in particular, find themselves in the eye of this storm.
In his book DRiVE, Daniel Pink writes,
When the cold front of demographics
meets the warm front of unrealized dreams,
the result will be a thunderstorm of purpose
the likes of which the world has never seen.*
He speculates that as Boomers age, they will ask, "When am I going to do something that matters? When am I going to live my best life? When am I going to make a difference in the world?"
Reflecting on Pink's forecast, I wonder how Boomers find purpose amid crises like the COVID pandemic. It seems the questions are even more critical when the very infrastructure of our lives has been dismantled.
How would you answer Pink's questions? And, how are you continuing to find purpose in your life?
Re-Ignite can help you discover your purpose--one that endures beyond a pandemic or even the worst of storms. Contact us.
*Quote from DRiVE by Daniel Pink, 2009
Search all articles by Richard Bergstrom
Richard Bergstrom is president of ChurchHealthRe-Ignite in Edmonds, Washington • Author's website (personal or primary**)** opens in a new tab or window. Close it to return here.
Posted: October 7, 2022 Accessed 238 times
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