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Category: Faith, Religion & Spirituality / Topics: Faith Hopes & Dreams Humor Inspiration Media Movies

My Favorite Songs of Hope and Humor

by James N. Watkins

Posted: January 12, 2016

A collection of videos and links to related blog posts…

Here are some of my favorite songs of hope and humor along with links to corresponding posts. Enjoy and be encouraged. (Links to posts will open in a new tab or window. Close it to return here..)

• How to move a mountain

• Finely-aged believers
• Squeezing Good Out of Bad
• Holy hardships
• In this world you will have trouble

• Pressed but not crushed
• The rest of the Bible story
• Finding still waters in the storm

• Turn your “shaft” into a mine
• Soaring with eagles . . . walking with emus
• From bad to worse . . . to astonishing
• When dreams die

(Written by Scott Wesley Brown)
• Are you listening to Goliath or God?
• Genuine Jesus or counterfeit Christ?

• Fifty praises between bed and bathroom

And of course, no mention of musical humor would be complete without Weird Al Yankovic!

• Laughing matters
• The power of humor in writing
• Hope and humor for writers

This post appeared originally on Jim Watkin's Hope & Humor website - used by permission.

Search all articles by James N. Watkins

Jim Watkins is a humorist, author, and speaker who says of himself that he "loves God, his family, writing, speaking and Chinese food—in that order"

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Posted: January 12, 2016   Accessed 660 times

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