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Category: Holidays / Topics: Christmas History Holidays Seasons Travel

The Most Unique Christmas Traditions in Every State

by Gabbie Shaw / Busienss Insider

Posted: December 8, 2023

Surfing Santas, tumbleweed Christmas trees, and 48 more unique traditions across the United States…

Tumbleweed Christmas tree, Arizona - Rosemarie Mosteller/Shutterstock

Editro's Note: Gabbie Shaw, writing on Business Insider, describes unqiue Christmas traditions in every state in the U.S. Here are the stattes from A to C (there are none whose names begin with B), followed by a link to the whole list.

An Alabama state park completely transforms an underground cave for Wonder under Warrior.

Alaskans parade a wooden star from house to house to represent the Star of Bethlehem

Chandler, Arizona, is home to the world's largest tumbleweed Christmas tree

In Arkansas, people follow the Trail of Holiday Lights from one end of the state to the other.

Santa rides the surf instead of a sligh in California's Surfing Santa compeition.

In Colordo, Hispanic residetns re-enact the nativity during Las Posadas on Christmas Eve

Christmas gest spooky in Connecticut with the lantern light tours in Mystic Seaport

See the list of all fifty states, on Business Insider, with pictures and more details about each unique traditoin.

Search all articles by Gabbie Shaw

Posted: December 8, 2023   Accessed 314 times

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