Maintaining connections with other people is a major factor in optimal aging. In this section, a number of contributors share their ideas and research on maintaining healthy relationships and establishing new ones.
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141 articles found

The Chemisty of Love
by Faith A Watkins
(February 14, 2025)

Hallmark movies and Harlequin Romance novels want us to believe that falling in love is all about that magical chemistry between the hero and heroine. In reality, it is chemistry, but not in the heart but the brain!…

Mother, the Queen of Hearts
by Garrison Keillor
(February 13, 2025)

But when I take my Minnesota cup down and fill it with coffee, I think of my mother and I smile. Her 110th birthday is coming up and I should do something special in her honor, such as write something about her that makes you feel good…

A Good Weekend in Georgia
by Garrison Keillor
(November 14, 2024)

I'm grateful that, as a kid, I got to experience 'visiting,' when the family got in the car and dropped in at someone's house and sat around and visited…

Standing on the Sidewalk Shaking Hands
by Garrison Keillor
(August 7, 2024)

What remains powerful is love. My parents loved each other dearly and I witnessed this and it remains large in my life.…

My Apologies to the LGBTQIA+ Community
by James N. Watkins
(June 21, 2024)

Jim's Hope & Humor for Pride Month…

Happy Father's Day!
by James N. Watkins
(June 14, 2024)

Jim updates his annual list of Hope & Humor for Father's Day…

A Round Table in Downtown St. Paul Friday Night
by Garrison Keillor
(June 13, 2024)

It was a beautiful dinner, the best I've been at in months, nine of us relatives around a table in downtown St. Paul, and four of us were teenagers, which taught me I've been spending much too much time with people my own age…

Happy Mother's Day
by James N. Watkins
(May 10, 2024)

Hope and humor for Mother's Day 2024…

On the Road Again, Meeting Folks
by Garrison Keillor
(May 2, 2024)

The morning after Spokane, I sat down to breakfast at the hotel with six people who'd been to the show and their three little kids. It was a delight. When members of your audience want to have breakfast with you, you know you did a very good show…

Spring is Here, Time to Get to Know Each Other
by Garrison Keillor
(April 26, 2024)

This is a beautiful feature of Manhattan, the proliferation of squares and plazas for people to perch or promenade in and escape from regimentation and the tyranny of social media…

Cultivating Civility
by Rusty Writing and Mark I. Pinsky
(December 1, 2023)

Can philosophical opposites get along?…

Being Alone on Thanksgiving
by Katja Vujic / The Cut
(November 22, 2023)

It doesn't have to be miserable…

Old Friends
by Leona Bergstrom
(October 7, 2023)

A 1968 song stirs memories and thoughts for today…

Children Who Marry Their Parents
by James N. Watkins
(August 11, 2023)

The psychology of courtship…

Truly Offensive Four-Letter Words
by James N. Watkins
(August 4, 2023)

The classic movie 'A Christmas Story,' reminds us that there are even dirtier words…

Race Relations by the Numbers
by James N. Watkins
(June 23, 2023)

Childhood memories from a trip to Florida and what public opinion polling suggests about the state of race relations in America today…

Happy Father's Day 2023!
by James N. Watkins
(June 17, 2023)

Jim updates his annual list of posts for fathers and parents in general…

25 Words That Don't Mean What They Used To
by Paul Anthony Jones / Miental FLoss
(June 17, 2023)

It's inevitable that words will change over time. In some instances, words gain new meanings entirely different from their original definition…

The Four Most Important Words to Say in a Dysfuctional Organization
by Richard Bergstrom
(June 3, 2023)

Everything about the organization was crazy-making…

A Plate of Rigatoni with Friends
by Garrison Keillor
(March 30, 2023)

True friendship means not feeling obliged to impress each other and so we don't. . . .we see that we're all in the same boat, the equality of old age prevails. Health is what matters, not money, not prestige…