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Category: Relationships / Topics: Holidays • Inspiration • Love • Relationships • Valentine's Day
Grace, Grit and Giggles
Posted: February 12, 2021
A recipe for a successful second-half marriage…
A recipe for a successful second-half marriage
Every year when we go out for dinner to celebrate our wedding anniversary, my husband asks our server the same question, “Do you know what happened on June 17, 1972?” Then with a wink and a smile, he quickly adds, “Besides our wedding, of course.” If the waiter is under the age of 30, the response is usually a disinterested, blank stare, followed by a shrug. Ask Boomers that question—they’ll lean back, and with closed eyes, rack their brains to recall what significant event may have made history that night.
I have listened to Richard repeat this line of questioning for 45+ anniversaries. I brace myself for it, and can’t help but laugh out loud when he has to supply the answer to this seldom pursued trivia. We had nothing to do with the Watergate break-in, but our wedding night is unintentionally tied to the event.
Our country has been through a lot since the political escapades of the 70’s; so have we. When we celebrate our wedding anniversary, Richard and I review the challenges and the blessings of the year. We also consider what can assure our marriage will survive, thrive, and sizzle—for a long time.
As we celebrate Valentine's Day, we challenge you to consider three things that contribute to marital success: Grace, Grit, and Giggles. How do you see these fortify your relationships? Read stories about grace, grit, and giggles in our blog (a longer version of this article).
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Leona Bergstrom is co-founder, with her husband Richard, of ChurchHealth/Re-Ignite in Edmonds, Washington. • Author's website (personal or primary**)** opens in a new tab or window. Close it to return here.
Posted: February 12, 2021 Accessed 288 times
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