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Category: Holidays / Topics: Faith Family Father's Day Holidays Hopes & Dreams Humor Inspiration

Happy Father's Day!

by James N. Watkins

Posted: June 14, 2024

Jim updates his annual list of Hope & Humor for Father's Day…

For the wonderful dads who are more than just fathers:

My ‘real job’
Nope, it’s not writing and speaking!

Top ten things my dad taught me
Number 5 will shock you! (Sorry, I’ve been seeing too many “click bait” ads.)

The Proverbs 32 man
Exclusive! New discovered text celebrates godly men

Happy Father’s Day!

And for parents in general

Cartoons on parenthood

Son of a saint!
When godly parents have not-so-godly children

“Spray paint” parenting
The secret is thin coats of moral and ethical lessons

Talking to your kids about s-e-x
Children will learn about sex—from us or the bus!

Talking to children about war, terrorism, school violence . . .
It’s a frightening time to be a child—and a parent

Search all articles by James N. Watkins

Jim Watkins is a humorist, author, and speaker who says of himself that he "loves God, his family, writing, speaking and Chinese food—in that order"

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Posted: June 14, 2024   Accessed 220 times

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