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Category: Life Events / Topics: Circumstances, Life Events Contemplation, Insight Grace Optimal Aging Wellness

Discoveing Gravity and Grace in Our Journey

by Leona Bergstrom

Posted: July 14, 2023

Introducing the Gift of Life Review

Reviewing your life journey is foundational to the Re-Ignite experience and charting a course for the next stage of life--what we call one's Third Calling. It is a valuable spiritual and emotional exercise that sheds light on the people, life events, choices, pain, and joys of our life. Looking at our past sets the stage for discovering who we are today and who we will be in the future.

The benefits are many--the most profound is attaining a new and broader perspective. Reflecting on all of the hard things in life (gravity) and all the splendid moments of joy and redemption (grace!) invokes new insights and understanding. 

Life review can also help us process unresolved pain, bring us to forgiveness points, and facilitate "letting go." It can be a way to leave a legacy to the next generation as we record and share meaningful events and experiences. 

In future issues, we will share some of Leona and RIchard's life review experiences, offer suggestions for how you might engage in a similar process, afford opportunities to participate in Re-Ignite, and provide you with several helpful resources. 

Listen to your life. See it for the fathomless mystery it is!
-- Frederick Buechner

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Leona Bergstrom is co-founder, with her husband Richard, of ChurchHealth/Re-Ignite in Edmonds, Washington.

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Posted: July 14, 2023   Accessed 231 times

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