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Category: Health & Wellness / Topics: Coping Social Issues Stress Wellness

Mind Cancer Awareness Month

by James N. Watkins

Posted: November 9, 2019

Jim declares the need to pay attention to our mental health…

Whereas November is one of the hardest months for those suffering with mental health issues. (Suicide rates actually increase this month.)

Whereas People love to support and pray for those with cancer,

Resolved mental health issues shall now be referred to as “mind cancer.” Mental illness is an illness!

Help me make November “Mind Cancer Awareness Month.” (Right click on the meme on right, save, and then share.)

Here are some links to previous posts:

I am so grateful that God has chosen someone with clinical depression, ADD, OCD and just a touch of ASD to share hope and humor. God’s grace is amazing . . . and ironic!

If you’re struggling with a mental health issue, please seek professional help. There is help and hope!

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Jim Watkins is a humorist, author, and speaker who says of himself that he "loves God, his family, writing, speaking and Chinese food—in that order"

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Posted: November 9, 2019   Accessed 247 times

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