Personal expressions of the world around us through text, sight and sound.


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 393 articles found

On the Road to Roanoke by Garrison Keillor (March 6, 2025)

They laughed when I said, "Canada can.t be our 51st state! It has no South! You can't have America without a South. You need bluegrass, the blues, country, gospe"…

Sunday Morning, So Help Me, God by Garrison Keillor (February 27, 2025)

I walked into church thinking about deadlines and the news and my aged ailing pals and I walk out into the sunshine, feeling shaken, raised up, grateful for the love of God and the people around me. I wish you'd come with me smetime…

Living the Present, a Day at a Time by Garrison Keillor (February 6, 2025)

I remember a day fifty years ago when I had lunch with my hero S.J. Perelman in Minneapolis when he was to give a reading and I was to introduce him. I was stunned by admiration for his writing…

A Wonderful Night in Lubbock by Garrison Keillor (January 30, 2025)

I love the old hymns, face-to-face friendliness, good manners, the limerick, a walk in the park…

One More Day, One More Airport by Garrison Keillor (January 23, 2025)

Makes me wonder about what I've been telling you. Which is true, which is false. I leave it to you, I gotta plane to catch…

A Good Man Gone to Glory by Garrison Keillor (January 18, 2025)

Jimmy Carter's trademark was honesty, and as a boy I managed to avoid that as well. When people asked me, "How are you?" I said, "Fine." "How is school?" "Good." Telling the truth only led to more questions…

It's Never Too Late to be Normal by Garrison Keillor (January 11, 2025)

As I proceed through my eighties, I go back to a Minnesota point of view: life is complicated, take it one day at a time, the urge to be top dog is not a useful ambition, be grateful for what you have and learn to cherish your portion…

Texas is a Real Education by Garrison Keillor (January 5, 2025)

Thanks to the highly selective teaching of history, I grew up a patriotic optimist before the era of resentful billionaires…

A Quiet Night in Manhattan by Garrison Keillor (December 26, 2024)

My wife and I like to sit in the same room at night, doing our separate things, she in a chair reading a book, I at a table addressing Christmas cards…

The Twelve SItes of Christmas (2024) by James N. Watkins (December 20, 2024)

Jim's annual list of articles and cartoons with hope and humor for Christmas…

It Can Get Really Cold in Minnesota by Garrison Keillor (December 19, 2024)

The cold has drawn us together as mammals. They know that I used to live here and then moved to New York, but they're in a forgiving mood because here I am suffering with them…

The Perils of Pedestrianism Explained by Garrison Keillor (December 12, 2024)

Nonetheless, I like New York. I’m glad to be done with lawn mowing and snow shoveling. We live two blocks from the subway where the downtown train will take me to the main library or Lincoln Center or lunch in the Village…

So What Are We to Do Now? by Garrison Keillor (December 5, 2024)

I enjoy the New York Times and I love it all the more now that I see it has practically no power at all.…

Walking to Church on a Cold Day by Garrison Keillor (November 28, 2024)

We live in troubled times but perhaps there needs to be a time-out from trouble and maybe I'll make it Sunday. Put the worries of this life aside…

Thanks for What? by James N. Watkins (November 22, 2024)

If you find yourself a bit down at Thanksgiving, Jim has some thoughts to put the holiday in perspective. First appeared in 2000..

Thank You for Reading This by Garrison Keillor (November 21, 2024)

So many blessings, and I haven't even mentioned friendship, sunsets, public transportation, Christian hymnody, baseball, hearing aids, the steady thoughtful leadership of my wife, trees, parks, rivers, the prairie, sonnets, Google, and cranberries…

Thanksgiving Turkey Trivia by James N. Watkins (November 15, 2024)

Do you have nothing better to do with your time than to read worthless trivia? Then, you'll be enriched by our educational special report on Melgris Gallopavos

Happiness and the Price of Groceries by Garrison Keillor (November 7, 2024)

love mac and cheese because I loved grade school back in the Fifties and that’s what Mabel served in the Benson School cafeteria…

What It's All About, I Think by Garrison Keillor (October 31, 2024)

It's a revolt by Middle America against the coasts, old against young, commoners against college, evangelicals against agnostics, McDonald's against pad thai…

My Life Story (Short Version) by Garrison Keillor (October 24, 2024)

I performed at Goshen College and got the audience to sing 'It Is Well with My Soul' and suddenly it was better with my soul than it had been in a long time. I have canoed in the Boundary Waters wilderness and slept on a beach and listened to the loons&he