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Category: Life Events / Topics: Holidays Holiday Season Thanks, Thankfulness, Thanksgiving

50 Praises Between Bed and Bathroom

by James N. Watkins

Posted: November 23, 2019

What are you thankful for?

Today, I vowed not to ask for anything, but to simply praise God. I found 50 things for which to praise him just between the bed and bathroom:

  1. God’s protection, providence
  2. His love and grace
  3. I slept straight through the night
  4. No horrible nightmares resulting from real-life trauma
  5. I don’t work the night shift
  6. My CPAP (Constant Positive Air Pressure) machine was a gift
  7. I woke up refreshed
  8. I can hear the cell phone alarm
  9. Cell phones
  10. Electricity
  11. Birds singing
  12. I can see the cell phone
  13. I can click “snooze”
  14. I have two working hands and arms
  15. I can get out of bed on my own
  16. Or, I can pull up the covers and roll over
  17. I’m not in pain
  18. Clean air
  19. I’m waking up in a water bed with flannel sheets
  20. I’m waking up in a warm, dry house with central air
  21. The house isn’t in foreclosure
  22. I’m waking up in a free country
  23. I’m not waking up in a war-torn country
  24. I’m not waking up in prison
  25. I’m not waking up in a hospital
  26. I’m not waking up in a nursing home
  27. I can walk unassisted: no crutches, walkers, braces or casts
  28. [Walking past closet]

  29. Lots of clothes in the closet—and on the floor
  30. Walking on wall-to-wall carpeting rather than dirt
  31. Sense of touch: toes on carpeting
  32. [Walking past photos of kids and grandkids]

  33. Loving family
  34. Loving, faithful Christian wife
  35. Both kids are gainfully employed in serving others
  36. Both kids are strong Christians
  37. Grandkids!
  38. All five grandchildren are “normal” and healthy
  39. The picture of daughter at seven with mischievous grin always makes me smile
  40. [Bathroom across from home office]

  41. Being able to work from home since 1982
  42. Hundreds of advantages of being self-employed such as being there for wife, kids and grandkids in good and bad times
  43. Computers: A love/hate relationship, but I wouldn’t be a writer if I had to do all that re-typing!
  44. Laptop and desk
  45. The Internet, email, Facebook
  46. Meaningful service for God
  47. Meaningful work— at least today
  48. Remembering where the bathroom is. No Alzheimer’s—yet.
  49. The house has indoor plumbing
  50. My “plumbing” is working fine after successful radiation for cancer!
  51. I can read (Always have books and magazines in the “reading room.”)
  52. Freedom of the press
  53. Toilet paper

You may not have the same fifty, but I’m sure you could come up with your own list. (And if you’re waking up to a difficult situation, please leave a comment so I can join you in prayer today.) [To do that, see the original article on Jim's Hope & Humor website.

Copyright © 2012 James N. Watkins

Search all articles by James N. Watkins

Jim Watkins is a humorist, author, and speaker who says of himself that he "loves God, his family, writing, speaking and Chinese food—in that order"

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Posted: November 23, 2019   Accessed 260 times

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