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A World of Blessing
by Stu Johnson
Posted: July 16, 2020
People unite in virtual choirs to bless cities, countries, the world…
During the lockdowns and isolation of the COVID-19 pandemic we have seen an explosion of creativity on many levels. (See my earlier article, "Ode to Joy"). Here are two collections of links to videos showing how people from faith communities have come together, some from the same church or city, others from locations far distant from each other, joined together by common cause and technology into a virtual choir.
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Songs of Hope, Comfort and Assurance
This group of six songs was inspired by Rusty Wright's recent article "Changing Racist Hearts (4): 'Amazing Grace' hymnwriter's racist past." Most were motivated by a desire to provide hope in a difficult time shared across the globe.
Amazing Grace—50 countries affected by COVID-19 singing Amazing Grace. (4:42)
In Christ Alone—Words and Music by Stuart Townend and Keith Getty Vocal Arrangement by David Wesley This virtual choir a capella performance features the voices of 48 singers from 14 countries. It was a labour of love lasting 5 months, and many dozens of work hours. We pray that you are blessed by the music and the message of this modern hymn. (5:00)
The Irish Blessing—Over 300 churches from our island sing a blessing over Ireland and beyond (begins with "Be Thou My Vision"). (6:50)
It is Well with My Soul—Hymn Makers Virtual Choir. Each time we face a raging tempest, it is sometimes difficult to be strong in faith and to remain hopeful. always remember that regardless of the storm God would always keep u safe under his wings. So always remember to say "it is Well." (5:05)
The Lord Bless You and Keep You (John Rutter)—Virtual choir by Batavia Madrigal Singers, Indonesia. Same words as "The Blessing" in the section below, but using John Rutter's tune. (2:43)
Psalm 91—"I Dwell in the Shelter" - original by Josh Poh, Singapore Virtual Choir. (9:36)
The Blessing
The song "The Blessing" has become a universal prayer, demonstrated by these renditions from around the world. Some are in different languages and dialects, some have spoken portions or other content that expresses the concerns of each target region. Some of the videos include scenes from the home city or country, which add to the international flavor of the different versions.
The Lord bless you
And keep you
Make His face shine upon you
And be gracious to you
The Lord turn His
Face toward you
And give you peace
I stopped after linking about two dozen versions—you'll find more on YouTube. The more I saw, the more it made me think of this passage from the Bible:
Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. (Philippians 2:9-12)
The Blessing - the Arab World—In two weeks, 67 people from 16 Arab nations came together to record this blessing. Many other versions of this blessing are being recorded around the Arab world. May all who hear this song truly receive a blessing. Amen (6:49)
The Blessing - Australia— During this time of uncertainty and physical isolation, over 300 local churches united together in Australia to sing a blessing over our nation. This is the first time this has happened. (7:27)
The Blessing - Canada—Nearly 200 individuals took part in this project . . . "with one voice, this is our prayer over Canada." (7:16)
The Blessing - The Channel Islands—Our church buildings are currently closed, but the gospel is not in lockdown. At this unprecedented time, 71 individuals from churches across Sark, Guernsey and Jersey came together to sing 'The Blessing' over the Channel Islands. (6:48)
The Blessing - China—by Mega CMC (6:49)
The Blessing - France—100 churches come together to offer their blessing. In French, with English subtitles. (6:51)
The Blessing KIDS - France— produced by Extravagance church in Saint-Pierre, France (8:30)
The Blessing - Ghana—Worshipers across our nation have come together to join hearts with Christians all around the world to speak life and the blessing of God over our country and the world... (8:38)
The Blessing (Global Choir)—It started at Elevation Ballantyne church in Charlotte, North Carolina, then grew into a global choir integrated into a live worship service. (9:13)
The Blessing - Global Dance Response—Dancers from around the world join together in response to "The Blessing." (8:42)
The Blessing - Hawaii—Worship leaders from 25 churches across all 6 major islands of Hawai‘i. During this time of sheltering-in-place, isolation and uncertainty about the future, we could all use a blessing and a sense of togetherness. In Hawai‘i, we call that ‘ohana - family. (6:27)
The Blessing - Israel (in Hebrew)—Join Joshua Aaron and his son Max as they bring "Ha Bracha" (The Blessing) back to Jerusalem! (4:52)
La Benición - Latinoamérica (The Blessing - Latin America)—Singers from across Latin America offer their blessing (in Spanish). (6:09)
The Blessing - Lebanon—At this very difficult time for Lebanon, both with COVID-19 and the economic situation putting huge pressure on people and families, some followers of the Great King have come together to sing a song of blessing over this beloved country and the people of this nation. We are nothing special, He is! (7:42)
The Blessing - New York City—100 churches from different traditions and languages singing a blessing over New York City (7:47)
The Blessing - Nigeria—This prophetic word has been translated into different Nigerian languages and dialects yet carrying One Sound. (11:18)
The Blessing Rap / Rap - Qatar—Finally, it's here - the Music video of The Blessing by I.R.C. Band cover with a Christian RAP! (5:40)
The Blessing- Singapore—772 singers from 177 churches and movements come together to sing a blessing over our land. (7:13)
La Bendición - Españsa (The Blessing - Spain)—150 voices from across Spain unite to offer this musical blessing. (8:46)
The Blessing -South Africa—During the April 2020 lockdown people from across South Africa united to sing a blessing over our nation. The heart of this is to bless you - to give you hope and peace! (5:51)
The Blessing - South Korea—In moments like this, we united in prayer to worship God and bless nations and countries in the name of Jesus Christ. (6:56)
The Blessing - Sweden—Individuals from dozens of churches across Sweden offer their blessing, in Swedish. (8:08)
The Blessing - UK—At this unique and challenging time in the United Kingdom over 65 churches and movements, representing hundreds of others, have come together online to sing a blessing over our land. Standing together as one, our desire is that this song will fill you with hope and encourage you. But the church is not simply singing a blessing, each day we're looking to practically be a blessing. (6:46)
The Blessing - UK Dance—Over 200 dancers and movers responded to the call to step out and move a blessing and prayer for the people around them and the place they live in. Quite literally a dancing army mobilised across all 4 nations of the UK. (6:59)
The Blessing - Zimbabwe—Zimbabwean musicians heeded the call to unite and come together as the world grapples with the COVID-19 pandemic. (6:21)
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Stu Johnson is principal of Stuart Johnson & Associates, a communications consultancy in Wheaton, Illinois. He is publisher and editor of SeniorLifestyle, writes the InfoMatters blog on his own website and contributes articles for SeniorLifestyle. • Author bio (website*) • E-mail the author (moc.setaicossajs@uts*) • Author's website (personal or primary**)* For web-based email, you may need to copy and paste the address yourself.
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Posted: July 16, 2020 Accessed 298 times
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