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Category: Aging, General / Topics: Attitudes Character, Integrity Faith Forgive, Forgiveness Gratitute Hopes & Dreams Love Optimal Aging

Agers Anonymous

by James N. Watkins

Posted: September 24, 2021

Jim introduces his new support group and a book that promises passion, purpose and pizazz for all ages…

Hi, I’m Jim. Welcome to Agers Anonymous.

This is my brand-new support group, based on my brand-new book, If You’re Not Dead, You’re Not Done. I’m so glad you’ve joined us.

With ten thousand of us turning sixty-five each day, there’s definitely a need for this group.

For the latest cartoons, memes and free excerpts, visit our Facebook page.

Plus watch my ten-minute “sit down” comedy based on the book.

Of course, being an anonymous group, we have “steps.” Most groups have 12, but I can barely remember the three words the doctor has me remember during my annual checkup, so we have just ten:

So, here are the ten characteristics that I believe are essential for being a satisfied, significant, and saintly senior.

We admitted we were powerless over aches and pains, weaknesses, memory issues, and all the other consequences of aging that had become unmanageable.

Made a decision to no longer live in the past, but to live fully in the present as we anticipate a brighter future.

Johnny Hawkins cartoon
Humbly turned our aging minds, bodies, and souls over to the care of God and now can fearlessly face each new day.

Continued to explore this amazing, miraculous world that God has created, knowing that our minds can stay young by learning new things.

Faith, hope, and love
Sought through Bible study, prayer, and fellowship with others to improve our conscious contact with God.

Made a list of all persons we had harmed and those we have held grudges against, and became willing to make amends with anyone we called “an old fart.”

Were entirely ready to have God remove all our wrong attitudes toward aging and replace them with thanksgiving for his loving care over us.

Johnny Hawkins
Humbly asked God to remove our complaining and to replace with things for which we can experience His joy.

Made a willful, deliberate decision to turn negative thinking about aging into positive thoughts based on God’s love and promise for his “good, pleasing, and perfect will.”

Having had a spiritual awakening and experienced God’s power, we tried to live out these characteristics each day of our lives.

Text © 2020 James N. Watkins. Cartoons throughout book, © Johnny Hawkins.

From If You’re Not Dead, You’re Not Done!

Watch Facebook Live at noon October 16 as I drop from 6,000 feet with the first copies! (Yep, I’m parachuting at the Tri-State airport. Be there or watch in live on the Agers Anonymous Facebook page.)

The book tentatively releases the following Tuesday, October 19, but you can pre-order today! All pre-sales will apply to first week of sales, so the more pre-orders the better. Thanks!

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Jim Watkins is a humorist, author, and speaker who says of himself that he "loves God, his family, writing, speaking and Chinese food—in that order"

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Posted: September 24, 2021   Accessed 386 times

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