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Category: Holidays / Topics: Christmas Comfort & Consolation Courage Faith Holidays Holiday Season Inspiration Jesus

Been to Bethlehem?

by Bill Nichols

Posted: December 9, 2016

I almost drove right by…

“Let’s Go to Bethlehem”

“When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, ‘Let’s go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about.’ So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger.” Luke 2:15-16

As I drove past the hospital on my way home, I felt a strong urge to turn around and go back. But, I had already been there that day and saw everyone who needed a pastoral visit. Besides, it had been an exhausting day and I just wanted to fall into my easy chair and relax.

I couldn’t get any peace until I turned my car around and went back. When I walked into our small community hospital, a middle-aged woman with red, puffy eyes walked up to me and introduced herself. After she and her dying husband watched our Sunday service on the local television station, she began praying that God would send me to visit her husband. He was terrified about dying and had only a few days left. After our meaningful visit, he and his wife found peace with God and with death.

On the night when Jesus was born, shepherds were doing their routine tasks of caring for their flock. They were on their way to their tents for some well-deserved rest when an angel announced that the Savior had just been born in Bethlehem “for you,” Luke 2:11

Those frightened shepherds took that angel seriously and left immediately to see the Savior that was born “for them.” And because they went, they got in on a miracle of God. Bethlehem became personal.

God still comes to the Bethlehems today, to places and to people that are not outwardly impressive. He still speaks to humble listeners and invites them to get in on what he is doing and to see lives transformed.

Throughout this day, pay close attention to that tug at your heart. Claim the moment. Follow the Spirit. Move out on faith.  Don’t miss your Bethlehem.

By the way, I can’t tell you how glad I am that I turned that car around and ended up in Bethlehem.

If you want to learn more about following God’s leadership, you will enjoy my new book HEALTHY FAITH. I hope you’ll take a look.



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Dr. Nichols has been active in health education and ethics. He founded to provide "collaboration for healthy living through helpful and reliable information for individuals, their families, and the professionals who work with them to support their health, disability and faith concerns."

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Posted: December 9, 2016   Accessed 1,184 times

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