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Category: Holidays / Topics: Contemplation, Insight Contentment, Satsifaction COVID-19 Gratitute Holiday Season Inspiration Thanks, Thankfulness, Thanksgiving

Giving Thanks 2021

by James N. Watkins

Posted: November 5, 2021

Despite pandemic, supply chain crisis…

Herrick Lake near Wheaton IL - photo by Stu Johnson

Last year—in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic—I posted, “Will Thanksgiving suck like a turkey baster?”

Thanks to masks and vaccinations, it appears this year’s giving of thanks will be much more normal. However, empty shelves due to the supply chain crisis may reduce a few items on the table. (I’m having a hard time finding my favorite dark chocolate! Wailing and gnashing of teeth!) And now there is growing concern that all those container ships just sitting in the ocean waiting to dock with their holiday gifts could disrupt Christmas celebrations.

If COVID-19 taught us anything, it is to value family and friends. And that holidays are much more than what’s on the table or under the tree. It’s about gratitude for what we do have and the love that binds families and friends together. So, I’m looking forward to the holidays with thanks and joy! Here are some posts to provide some hope and humor for you!

  • Thanks for nothing
    Little is known of the prophet Habakkuk. except that he lived in the time when Israel was oppressed and many had been taken captive by the Babylonians. There was little reason to give thanks. But, in spite of living in captivity and facing what appears to be a famine, Habakkuk writes, “Yet, I will rejoice in the Lord!”
  • Thanksgiving turkey trivia
    Do you enjoy playing “Jeopardy” from your La-Z-Boy (“I’ll take ‘Fowl Friends’ for $1,000”)? Would you like to talk about something other than the pandemic and politics at Thanksgiving dinner? (Yes, please!) Do you have nothing better to do with your time than to read worthless trivia? Then, you’ll be enriched by our educational special report on Melgris Gallopavos.
  • Thanksgiving cartoons
    And get your daily dose of my cartoons on Facebook, Instagram and at the archives.

Have a grateful Thanksgiving Day—no matter how it looks this year. And if your enjoyed these posts, please share on your social networks. Thanks!

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Jim Watkins is a humorist, author, and speaker who says of himself that he "loves God, his family, writing, speaking and Chinese food—in that order"

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Posted: November 5, 2021   Accessed 323 times

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