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Category: Health & Wellness / Topics: Change • Coping • COVID-19 • Hopes & Dreams • Learning • Opportunity • Optimal Aging • Social Issues • Stress • Wellness
Posted: September 3, 2021
Anything but…
Typically, September ushers in a season for getting “back to normal.” Vacations end, kids return to school, and the weather changes. The leisurely spontaneous dog-days of summer evolve into predictable schedules and responsibilities. Ordinarily, we have at least an inkling of what to expect.
But September 2021 is different. The ongoing battle with COVID 19, as well as global and cultural upheavals, ensure life won’t be what we long for. Yet, like the proverbial dangling carrot, the promise of a “new normal” entices us.
We didn’t ask for this disruption, this upheaval in our universe, this calamity. (But, of course, to be honest, do we ever ask for suffering?) Nevertheless, we got it. And now, together, we must find ways to navigate this fickle normalcy
Yes, we will continue to debate the overwhelming questions of what must change in our culture, government, healthcare, and social support systems. But, at the same time, perhaps the pertinent questions about change should also be self-directed. For example, what needs to change within me to adapt to the new realities instigated by the pandemic? How do I learn the hard lessons? Am I building resilience? How can I gain wisdom? Do I still have a purpose?
There are at least two objectives for this self-reflection:
Transformation. We need not merely transition to a new experience or reality; but instead, we have the opportunity to become a new person. So, the question becomes: How can we transform into people of resilience, flexibility, love, grace, and perseverance?
Awareness. We dare not journey through these days of health crises, social unrest, economic fragility, and natural disasters without asking ourselves some tough questions. How can we become aware of disparity? How can we interact in authentic and meaningful ways with all people and all generations? How can we care for one another?
May progressing into a “new normal” be more than picking up the pieces. Instead, may we seize the opportunity to build a new world. One where each of us can honor lessons learned, care deeply for one another and live our unique calling with passion and purpose.
Adapted from Emerging
by Richard and Leona Bergstrom
Release date: Fall 2021
Search all articles by Leona Bergstrom
Leona Bergstrom is co-founder, with her husband Richard, of ChurchHealth/Re-Ignite in Edmonds, Washington. • Author's website (personal or primary**)** opens in a new tab or window. Close it to return here.
Posted: September 3, 2021 Accessed 368 times
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