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Seven Bad Housekeeping Habits

by Birttney Morgan / Apartment Therapy

Posted: July 12, 2024

Give these up and take back control of the mess…

Editor's Note: How would you describe the place you call home . . . neat and organized, sloppy, or an unorganized diaster area? Most of our bad habits are a product of procrastination, which only makes things get worse very quickly. Brittney Morgan talked about seven habits that are actually pretty easy to change in an article on Apratment Therapy. Here are the firts four, with the link to the full article to see all seven.

Clutter is just a fact of life. Stuff piles up, messes are made, and dealing with it all becomes one of many things on your to-do list. Easy enough to manage when life is calm and work is steady, but when things get hectic, it’s more and more tempting to let things slide and deal with them later. And eventually, all that procrastinating can turn into what feels like an impossible cleaning challenge.

But, of course, that’s not the case. Any mess, no matter how big, can and will get cleaned up. And, the best way to regain control is by focusing on and changing your behavior, one bad habit at a time. So, read on, and for any behaviors that you know you are guilty of, make an early resolution to start breaking them now — you’ll be surprised how quickly your space will turn around.

Tossing Random Items in a “Junk Drawer”

Having a place for all your miscellaneous stuff? Great. Shoving all that miscellaneous stuff in a drawer until you can’t even open it anymore? Not so much. It’s okay to have a junk drawer, just make sure you’re strategic about it—keep loose items like buttons and screws in small plastic bags or boxes and label things so you can easily tell what they are. Most importantly, make sure you don’t over-stuff things into it, or all your hard work will go to waste.

Not Cleaning up While You’re Cooking

The line between cooking and making a mess is a thin one, but any messes you might make during meal prep are much easier to clean up if you just take them on right away. Spills and splashes can dry and stain if you don’t clean them right away, meaning they’ll be harder to clean up later—and if you put cleaning off until after you’re done, you might feel less motivated to do it. Make it a rule that you clean up while you cook (but of course, give yourself a pass for dishes that require serious concentration).

Not Treating Stains and Spots Right Away

Getting set-in stains out is much more difficult than removing stains as a spill happens—so if you have a tendency to let them sit and deal with them later, definitely make it a point to break that habit now. Make it easier by keeping a stain removal spray or any other household stain removal products you might need in an accessible place, and try to train yourself to make cleaning it up right away your instinct. Your rugs and your laundry will thank you.

Not Sorting Your Mail as It Comes In

Mail is a small daily mess that can become a massive clutter problem quickly. When you check your mail, don’t just drop it on the coffee table or counter and leave it there—collecting paper and envelopes like that guarantees two things: your home will look cluttered, and you’re almost guaranteed to lose sight of important documents. Make it a rule that when mail comes in, you sort through it right away—shredding whatever you don’t want, and storing important papers

Okay, can you guess what the other four bad habits might be? Find out. Read the full article by Brittney Morgan on Aparatment Theraoy.

Search all articles by Birttney Morgan

Posted: July 12, 2024   Accessed 155 times

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