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Category: Faith, Religion & Spirituality / Topics: Current Events, News • Religion
Big Bird in Rome
Posted: February 17, 2013
Anticipating the naming of a new pope…
The cardinals are about to nest
to choose the one they deem the best
to wing his way to Peter's throne
replacing Benedict.
This big bird will assume his perch
as ruler of the Roman church
and soon will fly around the world
as Christ's ambassador.
As leader of His worldwide flock,
this pope will hear his critics talk
of ways the Church has run a-fowl
and how it needs to change.
And while they find it hard to hope,
let's pray that God will guide the pope
as he prepares to stretch his wings
and leave his holy mark.
Search all articles by Greg Asimakoupoulos
Greg Asimakoupoulos (pronounced AWESOME-uh-COPE-uh-less) is an ordained minister, published author and chaplain to a retirement community in the Pacfic Northwest. Greg maintains a blog called Rhymes and Reasons, which he graciously provides to SeniorLifestyle.Greg's writings have now been assembled in book form. See the SeniorLifestyle Store. • E-mail the author (moc.loa@veRemosewA*) • Author's website (personal or primary**)
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Posted: February 17, 2013 Accessed 134 times
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