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Rhymes & Reasons

Category: Faith, Religion & Spirituality / Topics: Beliefs Bible Political Correctness Religion Social Issues

Endangered Species

by Greg Asimakoupoulos

Posted: November 1, 2009

Why those who take the Bible seriously may be disappearing…

I'm not a right-wing nut-case flake.
My views are not extreme.
They're simply what God's Word declares.
So why am I called mean

when stating same-sex partnerships
are less than God intends?
They say I am intolerant
to think in terms of sins.

"Sin's obsolete," they smugly boast.
"What's right is relative.
The ideal truth is tolerance.
Don't judge. Just do it! Live!"

What once was thought by most as wrong
is now the norm, you see.
Abortion, recreation drugs,
safe sex, adultery.

Yes, gambling's now a fact of life
and sex-filled movie plots.
Cohabitation is just fine,
but naming God is not.

"You're close-minded and dangerous
to criticize these acts."
So claim my neighbors to the left
who say I lack the facts.

Am I old-fashioned and old-school?
Perhaps, but dangerous?
Endangered species's more like it.
Each day there're less of us.

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Greg Asimakoupoulos (pronounced AWESOME-uh-COPE-uh-less) is an ordained minister, published author and chaplain to a retirement community in the Pacfic Northwest. Greg maintains a blog called Rhymes and Reasons, which he graciously provides to SeniorLifestyle.

Greg's writings have now been assembled in book form. See the SeniorLifestyle Store.

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Posted: November 1, 2009   Accessed 193 times

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