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Rhymes & Reasons

Category: Faith, Religion & Spirituality / Topics: Contemplation, Insight Easter Faith God Holidays Music

Faith Invites Us on a Journey

by Greg Asimakoupoulos

Posted: March 12, 2022

New Lenten lyrics to an old familiar hymn tune…

Faith invites us on a journey
that began with God’s own Son.
Jesus modeled joy and suffering
on the way to make us one.
There’s a road that we must follow
if we hope to reach our goal.
Every day we have the chance to
walk with Him who guards our soul.

Faith invites us on a journey
that expresses God’s own heart.
Grace and beauty frame the vistas
as each day we make our start.
There is nothing that can hinder
what God longs for us to see.
Every day the Lord provides us
glimpses of eternity.

Faith invites us on a journey
that concludes in God’s own time.
We are called to simply trust Him
as we heed direction signs.
There’s no reason to be anxious.
God will guide us as we go.
Every day we’re making headway
though our progress may be slow.

by Greg Asimakoupoulos
tune: Beach Spring (used by such hymns as "Come Ye Sinners," "See His Kingdom Come in Power," and "The Heart of Christ")

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Greg Asimakoupoulos (pronounced AWESOME-uh-COPE-uh-less) is an ordained minister, published author and chaplain to a retirement community in the Pacfic Northwest. Greg maintains a blog called Rhymes and Reasons, which he graciously provides to SeniorLifestyle.

Greg's writings have now been assembled in book form. See the SeniorLifestyle Store.

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Posted: March 12, 2022   Accessed 225 times

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