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Category: Media / Topics: Current Events, News • Media • Prayer
Praying with Matt Lauer
Posted: October 19, 2008
Why I watch the Today Show religiously…
While waking up from yesterday
I sip some joe and greet Today.
From Matt, Ann, Meredith and Al
I learn what I should know.
I have to watch the news each dawn
to find out all that has gone on
while I've been comatose to life
asleep upon my bed.
In Asia, markets have declined.
In Munich, prisoners once confined
successfully escaped from jail
and now are fugitives.
In Ireland, a deadly bomb
killed five young children and their mom.
And off the coast of Haiti,
there's a hurricane in sight.
What happens while I'm fast asleep
amounts to more than counted sheep.
The world can change in eight short hours.
That's why I stay informed.
But with the sadness everywhere,
I watch the news and say a prayer
in which I ask God's will be done
on earth just like in Heaven.
Search all articles by Greg Asimakoupoulos
Greg Asimakoupoulos (pronounced AWESOME-uh-COPE-uh-less) is an ordained minister, published author and chaplain to a retirement community in the Pacfic Northwest. Greg maintains a blog called Rhymes and Reasons, which he graciously provides to SeniorLifestyle.Greg's writings have now been assembled in book form. See the SeniorLifestyle Store. • E-mail the author (moc.loa@veRemosewA*) • Author's website (personal or primary**)
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Posted: October 19, 2008 Accessed 153 times
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