Lead contributor Greg Asimakoupoulos expresses his perspective on current events and life in general through verse. We have used Greg's weekly expressions since SeniorLifesytle began in 2006 and borrowed (with permission) the "Rhymes & Reasons" title used on the Partial Observer website where his work still appears.

The updated SeniorLIfestyle site includes all of the Rhymes & Reasons we have used since April 2006. 


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 1221 articles found

An Egg-ceptional Crisis by Greg Asimakoupoulos (March 1, 2025)

Have you noticed that eggs are in the news? And that’s no yoke!…

Celebrating a Memorable Birthday by Greg Asimakoupoulos (February 22, 2025)

A sign that hangs in our home sirs memories…

The Heart of the Matter by Greg Asimakoupoulos (February 14, 2025)

A Valentine’s Day image to contemplate…

Six Degrees of You! by Greg Asimakoupoulos (February 8, 2025)

It’s a small world after all. Just ask Kevin Bacon!…

A Prayer in Times of Disaster by Greg Asimakoupoulos (February 1, 2025)

In his role as a chaplain, Greg leads a prayer for those impacted by wildfires in LA and the collision of a helicopter and airliner over the Potomac…

Facing Our Personal Sinai by Greg Asimakoupoulos (January 25, 2025)

There are mountains we are called to climb…

An Inaugural Prayer by Greg Asimakoupoulos (January 20, 2025)

Donald J. Trump is sworn in as the 47th President of the United States…

A Heartfelt Call for Action by Greg Asimakoupoulos (January 18, 2025)

The Los Angeles fires have blazed a path in our hearts…

The Wisemens Wives by Greg Asimakoupoulos (January 11, 2025)

Have you ever considered who the wisemen left behind?…

Faith Matters in 2025 by Greg Asimakoupoulos (January 4, 2025)

A painting of Snoqualmie Falls in Washington State by J. Craig Thorpe provides inspiration for Greg's thoughts as we enter 2025…

Remembering a Georgia Peach by Greg Asimakoupoulos (December 31, 2024)

A peanut farmer from Plains, Georgia became our President…

Narnia Redeemed by Greg Asimakoupoulos (December 27, 2024)

The Lion of Luzern calls to mind the sacrifice of Aslan…

God's Grace Reaching by Greg Asimakoupoulos (December 21, 2024)

To think we can reach Heaven is a stretch…

When Life Isn't So Wonderful by Greg Asimakoupoulos (December 14, 2024)

A poignant scene from It’s a Wonderful Life is one we understand…

A St. Nicholas Day Reflection by Greg Asimakoupoulos (December 7, 2024)

A framed calligraphy in a local thrift store provided a definition of redemption…

The Lyrics of Gratitude by Greg Asimakoupoulos (November 28, 2024)

Thoughts inspired by the familiar lyrics of hymns and songs of the Thanksgiving season…

Sheltering in Grace by Greg Asimakoupoulos (November 23, 2024)

Thoughts from Greg's book providing 'Thoughtful Insights in Uncertain Times.…

From Heartbreak to a Timeless Hymn by Greg Asimakoupoulos (November 16, 2024)

The storms of life have birthed many beloved hymns…

Your House Versus the White House by Greg Asimakoupoulos (November 9, 2024)

Who you are, how you think, what you say, how you act and how you react will have a far more lasting impact eon our nation than the temporary inhabitants of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue…

Everyday is Like Sunday by Greg Asimakoupoulos (November 2, 2024)

This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice! Psalm 118:24