Lead contributor Greg Asimakoupoulos expresses his perspective on current events and life in general through verse. We have used Greg's weekly expressions since SeniorLifesytle began in 2006 and borrowed (with permission) the "Rhymes & Reasons" title used on the Partial Observer website where his work still appears.

The updated SeniorLIfestyle site includes all of the Rhymes & Reasons we have used since April 2006. 

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    Even though we try to keep the number of topics limited and as general as possible, the list of topics is long and constantly growing simply because of the wide scope of content covered by aritcles on the site. A good alternative to using the drop-down list is to click on a topic from the Summary View of the Article List, or the category and topic summary at the top of an Article.
    NOTE: Because topics are added over time, some topics may not be associated with earlier articles to which they could apply. From time to time, we update category and topic links.
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  • Click on a Topic name (Summary View) to see recent articles associated with that topic. From there you can expand to "All" articles or narrow the search using the Filter.
    • There are some categories that also appear as topics. In this case, the filter will set the topic, since that will return the greatest number of results. From there, you can modify the Search Filter to narrow your search.

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Sharing and Commenting on Article Lists and Individual Articles

There is a lot of discussion about the merits of commenting within a site. At this time we have decided not to integrate it into the site. The AddThis Share utility that appears at the upper left on the page as well as at the end of articles allows you to share the selected page through Facebook, Twitter, and more than 200 other social media services. Most of these options allow you to add comments.

You can also comment through the site's own social media connections, which are linked through the icons in the site masthead (only active social media accounts are shown).

36 articles found.

SUMMARY VIEW  Expanded details within a Category. Click on article title, Category, or a listed Topic

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Arts & Entertainment

 1 record found

He Did Know Jack! by Greg Asimakoupoulos

(April 28, 2023)
C. S. Lewis was the focus of much of the late Earl Palmer’s research and ministry…
Topics: Arts & Entertainment Beliefs Contemplation, Insight Faith Language, Meaning Wisdom Writing


 1 record found

Faith Quakes by Greg Asimakoupoulos

(January 17, 2010)
Surviving 7.0 doubt…
Topics: Beliefs Faith Nature Tragedy

Faith, Religion & Spirituality

 18 records found

Sheltering in Grace by Greg Asimakoupoulos

(November 23, 2024)
Thoughts from Greg's book providing 'Thoughtful Insights in Uncertain Times.…
Topics: Attitudes Beliefs Contentment, Satsifaction Faith Grace

Let's Hear it for LOVE! by Greg Asimakoupoulos

(June 10, 2023)
This week’s post is a chapter from Greg’s book Sheltering in Grace…
Topics: Beauty Beliefs Faith God Love Nature

Remembering a Pioneer of Peace by Greg Asimakoupoulos

(October 29, 2022)
A tribute to Father William Treacy…
Topics: Beliefs Personal Stories (Biography/Autobiography) Character, Integrity Christian Life Faith Inspiration Optimal Aging Tribute, Testimony

Memories of My First Pastor by Greg Asimakoupoulos

(October 22, 2022)
October is Clergy Appreciation Month…
Topics: Beliefs Faith Memory (failing, improving) Prayer Relationships Religion

The Cross is Our Ground Zero by Greg Asimakoupoulos

(September 18, 2021)
Why the cross is the crux of the Christian faith…
Topics: Beliefs Christian Life Faith God Gratitute Religion

There are 13 more items for the category Faith, Religion & Spirituality and the Beliefs topic...See the whole list


 2 records found

The Gospel According to Fast-Food by Greg Asimakoupoulos

(August 27, 2017)
A tip of the hat to two fast-food giants…
Topics: Beliefs Business Character, Integrity Faith Values

A Prodigal Nation by Greg Asimakoupoulos

(May 20, 2012)
Grieving for what once was but is no longer…
Topics: Beliefs Change Crisis

Government & Politics

 2 records found

Life versus Love by Greg Asimakoupoulos

(June 27, 2022)
A Supreme Court ruling has raised the bar of civil discourse…
Topics: Beliefs Civility Communication Dysfunctional, Broken Faith Government News Policy, Policy Formation Politics Prayer Social Issues Social Movements

A Shrine to "No Belief" by Greg Asimakoupoulos

(December 14, 2008)
Yet another governor raises eyebrows…
Topics: Beliefs Christmas Politics


 3 records found

Take Up Your Cross by Greg Asimakoupoulos

(February 22, 2023)
An Ash Wednesday reflection…
Topics: Beliefs Christian Life Discipleship Discipline Easter Holidays Jesus Religion

An Easter Bunny and an Easter Story Worth Remembering by Rusty Wright

(April 5, 2015)
Have you ever seen the Easter bunny?…
Topics: Beliefs Easter Jesus

The Power of the Cross by Greg Asimakoupoulos

(April 4, 2010)
Poetic reflections on this Good Friday…
Topics: Beliefs Easter Faith Holidays


 2 records found

A Prayer for Peace by Greg Asimakoupoulos

(September 21, 2023)
Let there be peace on earth… and let it begin with me!
Topics: Attitudes Beliefs Faith History Inspiration Prayer Relationships

The Four-Way Test by Greg Asimakoupoulos

(October 10, 2020)
Rotary's core values in rhyme…
Topics: Attitudes Beliefs Character, Integrity Civility Values

Life Events

 1 record found

Afternoon Tea with the Galloping Gourmet by Greg Asimakoupoulos

(June 3, 2023)
Graham Kerr welcomed Greg and Wendy Asimakoupoulos to his home in Washington State…
Topics: Attitudes Beliefs Bible Circumstances, Life Events Coping Dying and Death Faith Loss & Grieving Love Optimal Aging Tragedy


 1 record found

What I Learned from Playing Barbies by Greg Asimakoupoulos

(November 11, 2023)
Observations from my granddaughters' collection of Barbie dolls…
Topics: Beliefs Communication Family Games Learning Media Movies Relationships

News & Current Events

 5 records found

Remembering a Georgia Peach by Greg Asimakoupoulos

(December 31, 2024)
A peanut farmer from Plains, Georgia became our President…
Topics: Beliefs Personal Stories (Biography/Autobiography) Faith Government History Leadership Politics Service Tribute, Testimony

Make America Good Again! by Greg Asimakoupoulos

(July 20, 2024)
What our country needs is a return to good old fashion values…
Topics: Beliefs Civility Freedom Hopes & Dreams Politics Unity, Unified Values

Whatever the Weather by Greg Asimakoupoulos

(August 26, 2023)
Al Roker’s weather map doesn’t tell the whole story…
Topics: Beliefs Coping Faith Nature News Weather

More Than the White House by Greg Asimakoupoulos

(November 19, 2016)
What happens inside our houses is what matters most…
Topics: Beliefs Faith Family Government News Politics Values

On the Brink of a Holy War by Greg Asimakoupoulos

(August 23, 2015)
Contemplating the cultural shift in our nation…
Topics: Beliefs Freedom Religion Social Issues Trends