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Category: Media / Topics: Books Learning Leisure

A Giveaway

by Dan Seagren

Posted: January 29, 2017

Too good to throw away…

A book was placed anonymously on the shelf where we retrieve our mail. On it was a note: Free. It caught my eye because the author had the same name as the son of good friends of ours. Because of the coincidence, I picked up the book out of curiosity and thumbed through it.

The author was new to me so I was interested as the title was "Rediscover Jesus." Whoever placed it there is probably like me: I hate throwing books away. I was more than curious so I read some of the forty chapters which ranged from 2-6 pages or so on a variety of topics aimed at getting to know Jesus more intimately.

The author has written many books of which some were translated into 25 different languages. I discovered that the author is married, was born in Australia so I knew right away he wasn't my friends' son. I also discovered that most likely he was Catholic because he is the founder of the Dynamic Catholic Institute, a Cincinnati organization designed to "re-energize the Catholic Church in America."

Some of his chapter titles include The Jesus Question, Jesus was a Radical, Purity of Heart, Beyond Tweaking, Dancing for Joy and The Biggest Lie in 190 pages published by Beacon Publishing. I didn't see a price but it was dated 2015.

This was a soft cover so I don't know if it was also published in other formats. I will tell my friends about my discovery and ponder what to do with my copy. After many years of schooling and over forty years in the workplace, some years after I retired we were downsizing our belongings.

I discovered two organizations that took used books, secular and sacred, and sent them abroad to mission stations so I gave 25 boxes of books (including some of my unsold volumes) to these worthy causes not only because I just can't throw away books but with the hope that they will find a new home. So, do you think that when I am through with Rediscovering Jesus that it will end up in a waste basket?

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Dan Seagren is an active retiree whose writings reflect his life as a Pastor, author of several books, and service as a Chaplain in a Covenant Retirement Community.

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Posted: January 29, 2017   Accessed 320 times

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