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Category: Holidays / Topics: Christmas Current Events, News Halloween History Holidays Thanks, Thankfulness, Thanksgiving

A Trilogy of Double Holidays

by Dan Seagren

Posted: October 28, 2021

When the sacred and secular cross paths…

Disney's Tim Burton's "The Nightmare Before Christmas" Tree Collection builds to include orange Jack o' Lantern and handcrafted character ornaments that nestle in the branches above Halloween Town itself. Everyone you love is there. Shipment One and subsequent issues are available billed separately at the same attractive price with a 365-day guarantee and send no money now, a superb value not available in any store.

Could it be possible that this and others similar scenarios could set the pace for Christmas on December 25, with Halloween as the "Nightmare Before Chritmas" earlier in the Autumn, adding to what I call the "Double Holidays"? Maybe, maybe not. (Halloween occurs at the same time as All Hallow's Eve, All Saints Day, Reformation Sunday, Mexico's Day of the Dead and other observances that produce a mix of sacred, spiritual and secular/materialisitc elements). Halloween iteslf used to be mostly about costumes and trick or treating Now it is not far behind Christmas in decorating. Imagine Christmas trees inspired by Halloween's impressive midnight-black "Dark of the Moon" tree while the "Cemetery Moon" tree topper adds to the macabre theme.

The roots and expression of some of our holidays is something serious to think about. Christmas is inspired by the Baby Jesus lying in a manger as well as Saint Nicholas, and Santa Clause flying through the air and slipping down fireplaces. They all merge into one, often confusing, holiday.

Churches luminous inside and out, homes likewise, stores crowded, children a bit bewildered by a baby in a manger and colorful trees with beautiful packages underneath. And the question arises spoken or unspoken, who is most popular: Baby Jesus or Santa Claus? Adults also may wonder how to best distinguish between a baby boy and a bearded Santa Clause and why both are celebrated at the same time. Some may reply that the baby Jesus grows into manhood while Santa Clause remains the same. When asked if Santa Clause died like Jesus did, it could simply be ignored or be answered simply or otherwise.

Can both Santa Clause and Jesus, a gentleman and an infant, be celebrated harmoniously or personally and individually? Is Santa ever a part of a worship service in a church or on the air? Is the baby Jesus ever a passenger with Santa Clause in his sleigh? Have you ever given that a thought or are you interested in giving it a try?

This is no doubt something that bothers both believers and non believers, Saints or Sinners, male or female, young or older folk should think about it, not only at Christmas time but at other times as well which includes most of us, doesn't it? We should be aware of double holidays so we can better identify with the one most important and help others do the same. Santa Clause certainly is fun and flying through the air and sliding down chimneys, wow! But minimizing the Baby Jesus, His supernatural birth, and His adulthood as Savior and Lord who Ascended into Heaven with the promise to return to welcome all Believers into a Heaven prepared in advance. Double Holiday Trilogies are certainly worthy of our undivided attention. 


October 31 is the normal date for Halloween with ordinary and spectacular activities including costumes, especially for women and young girls.
Decorations favoring autumn themes such as pumpkins, Jack O Lanterns displayed around the house as well as inside, plus hayrides, haunted houses and horror movies. Halloween allows inner feelings to find their way out sometimes with costumes and telling tales of witches and ghosts.

Over two thousand years ago, Halloween early on was a Christian festival celebrated as a time when the spirit world crosses over with the physical and took on a commercial enterprise with large and small gatherings celebrating some Halloween traditions and becoming one of the largest non official public holidays with more treats than tricks.

Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving is in late November and is well known for its sumptuous Turkey Feasts but less known for its meaning: Giving Thanks. It is a way of giving thanks as a National Holiday both in Canada and the United States celebrating the harvest and other blessings of the year but quite unlike Halloween in many ways. It is giving thanks to those whose hard work and sacrifice made it all possible and indirectly for those who also enjoyed a four day holiday.


Christmas does have a single title with a double meaning: The birth of Baby Jesus and the existence of Santa Clause. Many celebrate the birth of Jesus fathered by God to a virgin Mary. Saint Nicholas evolved into Santa Clause whose laurels are known far and near. The Baby Jesus grew into manhood whose honor and fame became Christianity and spread widely by his Apostles and multitudes of believers who shared His Life story of Eternity, Miracles, Crucifixion, Resurrection, Ascension and Salvation. Santa Claus traveled high and low in a sleigh drawn by reindeer, slid down chimneys with gifts, made his way into department stores, gave away gifts and dressed in red costumes with white trim and beard. 

So, as we approach this trlogy of double holidays in the closing months of the year, take time to reflect on their double meanings.

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Dan Seagren is an active retiree whose writings reflect his life as a Pastor, author of several books, and service as a Chaplain in a Covenant Retirement Community.

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Posted: October 28, 2021   Accessed 478 times

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