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Category: History / Topics: Bible History Predictions & Forecasts

Ancient Warnings

by Dan Seagren

Posted: March 10, 2019

Words that still ring true…

In the retirement center where we live, we have a teenage waiter whose name is Noah. Every once in a while I ask him how the Ark is doing, how are his brothers?? Today I asked him how Jonah is. Oh oh. It caught him off balance for a couple seconds. In mid week, our Chaplain spoke on Jonah and asked us to read Jonah because it is only 4 chapters which I did and then continued to read the next book, Micah.

Some of you readers may know that I am a retired clergyman and must assume that not everyone knows a lot about the Bible or its ancient personalities. As I read through Micah I was amazed anew how so much in the Holy Book written so long ago is so relevant today. So let me share some old warning similarities to today's culture.

Micah begins about two-thirds of the way through the Bible.. As we know today, the ancient nation of Israel was at one time divided into two nations (the 10 Northern Tribes and 2 in the South). Micah was chosen to warn both nations that their deeds were not acceptable. If they didn't change for the better, they were doomed. The Northern tribes had no Godly leaders (kings) unlike the Southern that had a few.

The Northern tribes eventually were dispersed and disappeared but the Southern tribes (Judah and Benjamin) have also have been dispersed worldwide yet returned to its homeland where it exists as the nation Israel today. Here are some of the warnings Micah gave both ancient tribal nations which could apply today.

Micah: If they obey me, “Arguments between distant and powerful nations will be settled.” Micah continued:” “The leaders will discover that they can't trust the people” (and the people can't trust the leaders). “At night you lie in bed making evil plans. When morning comes you do what you planned because you have the power.” Here the people responded: “Enough of your preaching . . . We won't be disgraced so stop preaching.”

“Doesn't God bless those who do right? Your necks will be caught in a noose and you will be disgraced.” My people, said Micah, “You have stolen the clothes right off the backs of your unsuspecting soldiers when they return home after battle.” “The only prophet you want is a liar who will say Drink and get Drunk!” Imagine that thousands of years ago. Do read Micah for many more warning insights. 

Find the book of Micah at Ths link takes you to the New Living Translation, but once there you can select from a host of translations, listen to audio versions of passages, and check out additional resources to help you dig deeper.

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Dan Seagren is an active retiree whose writings reflect his life as a Pastor, author of several books, and service as a Chaplain in a Covenant Retirement Community.

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Posted: March 10, 2019   Accessed 332 times

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