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Senior Moments
Category: Education / Topics: Language, Meaning
by Dan Seagren
Posted: August 26, 2012
I have heard of dropouts since I was considerably younger. However, there seems to be a greater incidence of dropouts today raising concern.…
I have heard of dropouts since I was considerably younger. However, there seems to be a greater incidence of dropouts today raising concern. Whether it is more prevalent than yesterday or not I am not sure although in some instances statistics may reveal the truth (accuracy).
Let's explore this briefly as I for one am concerned which entitles me to unload another senior moment. We will not discuss every situation where dropouts occur (which would be impossible as well as improbable), only some that come to mind.
Statistically, we hear disturbing figures about unemployment. We hear that many who have been searching for months, even years, have quit looking. Yet they are still unemployed but don't always enter the unemployed equation rendering the data only partially accurate.
We hear scary figures of high school dropouts and the many reasons/excuses given. Whatever the cause(s), it is sobering. Are high schools versatile enough to educate students who may have other interests not addressed by the curricula? Are truant officers more ineffective than previously? Are parents either remiss or missing? I don't know really know.
I heard again the same old story of exceptionally popular teachers making it difficult for their students who move on to less exceptional teachers. This is most prevalent with younger students who have no option to drop out but it occurs later on as well. Do budget woes make previously attractive electives so rare that academic incentives take a hit?
Even churches struggle with active highschoolers becoming inactive after graduation. Surveys acknowledge this but remedial efforts do not always materialize. One school of thought argues that the teacher/pastor role is not youth oriented while another thinks that youth are shunted away from worship into classwork or other activities and subsequently become dropouts. I often wonder how many potentially good athletes drop out needlessly because of excessive demands, unreasonable biases or academic standards ignored.
On the other hand, dropping out is not always a negative, debasing occurrence. At times it can be a noble protest or a wise correction. An inept physics major could be wise to drop his major when he admits it was a wrong choice and takes another subject more to his liking and ability.
Dropouts. Not always easy for us older folk to decipher. Or remedy, is it not?
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Dan Seagren is an active retiree whose writings reflect his life as a Pastor, author of several books, and service as a Chaplain in a Covenant Retirement Community. • E-mail the author (su.nergaesnad@brabnad*) • Author's website (personal or primary**)* For web-based email, you may need to copy and paste the address yourself.
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Posted: August 26, 2012 Accessed 151 times
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