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Category: Faith, Religion & Spirituality / Topics: Religion

God and Secondary Gods

by Dan Seagren

Posted: August 10, 2008

Being curious, I found a website called Godwatch, which states that We have more Gods than you can shake a stick at

Everyone, including seniors, have had doubts. Doubts about many things, reasonable and otherwise. When something goes wrong, or a tragedy occurs, it is quite natural to wonder where God was at the time.

This happens to believers and nonbelievers alike, and even seniors have moments like this.

Being curious, I found a website called Godwatch ( which states that We have more Gods than you can shake a stick at. Godchecker's Mythology Encyclopedia currently features over 2,850 deities.

No doubt many who read this probably will think of the God of the Bible (Jehovah). Here is a listing from Godwatch of the ten most popular deities from the Holy Hit Parade: 1st Atlas (Greek) 2nd : Zeus (Greek) 3rd : Ares (Greek) 4th : Hades (Greek) 5th : Cronus (Greek) 6th : Fates (Greek) 7th : Apollo (Greek) 8th : Uranus (Greek) 9th : Hathor (Egyptian) 10th : Aphrodite (Greek). How many of these do you know? Possibly Zeus, Apollo and maybe Atlas?

Curious, I dug deeper to see what this site had to say about Jehovah. Here is what I found: JEHOVAH: The monotheistic Lord Almighty of Christianity, a three-in-one deity comprising the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. . . In one small corner of the world, , the God of Judaism, was worshipped with the utmost devotion. He had obliterated his nearest rivals, but he was a big fish in an ever-shrinking pond. Then came along in a burst of publicity offering eternal life and free gifts -- and a controversial twist . . . God was the God of all nations, not just the Jews.

I struggled with the title for this Senior Moment. At first it was God and Other gods. Then it was God and Lesser gods (gods in lower case). Lesser (minor, inferior, small-time) evolved into God and Secondary gods. Those who do not believe in the God of the Bible could settle for gods. Interestingly, in spite of at least 2,850 deities, there are only three monotheistic (one God) religions: Christianity, Judaism and Islam.

I suppose even within Christendom there are lesser gods (e.g., money, power, fame) that in a sense are worshipped but hardly recognized as a deity. In actuality, few today should object to using the term "Secondary" for the 2,849 gods except adherents of one or more of these gods.

Jews and Christians both claim Jehovah but they would part ways when Christians stress the Trinity (one God, three natures): the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Christians generally believe that the Messiah has already arrived (Jesus Christ) while many Jews await the arrival of their Messiah.

There seems to be little doubt about the existence of God as His name is revered in almost every corner of the globe. And US polls indicate a high percentage of believers. Yet His name is profaned everywhere as well. For those of us who are believers in Christianity, being monotheists is not only easier but preferred. To pray for ten different concerns involving ten secondary gods could be cumbersome.
While scientists and philosophers (and some theologians) struggle with various proofs of the existence of God, for many of us it can only finally be accepted by faith. This is why the ancients inscribed the words so indelibly long ago: "I believe in God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth." Twelve words. Not bad for theologians.

We walk by faith, not sight. Our doubting senior moments can be less disturbing (or possibly, not disturbing at all) when we walk by faith -- both in the dark as well as the light. It is easy to believe when things are going well. When difficulties, troubles and doubts occur, believing is not quite as easy yet more necessary. It might even reduce or eliminate some perilous senior moments.

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Dan Seagren is an active retiree whose writings reflect his life as a Pastor, author of several books, and service as a Chaplain in a Covenant Retirement Community.

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Posted: August 10, 2008   Accessed 146 times

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