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Senior Moments
Category: Aging, General / Topics: Financial • Lifestyle, General • Trouble
In Triplicate
by Dan Seagren
Posted: August 27, 2006
A provocative article crossed my desk reminding me of a complex, multiple-type of some causes of senior moments. I borrowed two of its thoughts and added a third.…
A provocative article crossed my desk reminding me of a complex, multiple-type of some causes of senior moments. I borrowed two of its thoughts and added a third. Seniors are hardly mindless souls, but sometimes we are a bit indolent, mentally, or maybe we are simply uninterested, or disconnected.
A triple cause of negative senior moments are these: Debt, Drinking and Sleeping.
So, how do we play this out? The article detailed a couple of younger couples who were heavily indebted. Finally, the husband/father of one killed his family and tried to escape to another country. He had college debts to pay, had maxed out on credit cards, overspent on housing and had two heavily mortgaged vehicles parked in his garage (or at least one of them). Garages often are for things other than vehicles.
The article then went on to talk about debt and how too many are hopelessly in debt or approaching that dangerous position. It continued by discussing the indebtedness of our country and took issue with economists who said that being in debt was a good thing. We seniors grew up (at least some of us) when paying cash for most everything was the rule of the day. That has changed and today even seniors borrow, employ credit cards liberally, and too readily find ourselves in debt.
Maintaining a balance is our senior challenge: a balance between paying cash and borrowing reasonably. Since we are living longer, retiring younger, debt can become a real issue. If you are well-balanced, your senior moment probably is inconspicuous.
The next two are related but will be treated separately.
Drinking (alcohol, not colas) is often a precursor of trouble, particularly if done in excess. However, this is not the issue at the moment. What we are talking about is drinking before going to sleep.
Some feel that a nightcap is beneficial and it might be. Others are equally adamant that no alcohol should be consumed within three hours of retiring (sleep-wise). Still others say six hours and some say nothing to drink in the evening at all (this of course varies for late owls and early birds). This could be a sorry senior moment (sleepless or restless sleep) because of imbibing at night. Worth a thought.
Then, Sleeping. If we are not getting enough sleep, it could be that nip before retiring (or a six pack consumed over a bridge or poker game). What causes dreams is anyone's guess. Their duration, weirdness or beauty is a mystery, and that they occur at all is quite inexplicable. Nightmares are another topic.
We live in a culture where we have been told that we Americans do not get enough sleep. A sedentary job (including retirement for some) lends itself to late evenings and less sleep. Yes, there are many reasons why we do not get enough sleep. And that applies to children as well as adults. How much do we need? Depends on the person, I guess, but try 8 hours for a starter.
A sad senior moment can be caused by these three things? Yep. But those are not merely my ideas. People smarter than I have suggested this and I kinda go along with 'em.
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Dan Seagren is an active retiree whose writings reflect his life as a Pastor, author of several books, and service as a Chaplain in a Covenant Retirement Community. • E-mail the author (su.nergaesnad@brabnad*) • Author's website (personal or primary**)* For web-based email, you may need to copy and paste the address yourself.
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Posted: August 27, 2006 Accessed 174 times
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