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Category: Media / Topics: Language, Meaning • News • Print (Books, Newspapers, Magazines)
by Dan Seagren
Posted: March 25, 2012
Thoughts from a newspaper fan…
As a youngster, I inherited a daily newspaper route from an older neighbor boy. The papers varied, some light, others heavy; some were easy to fold and throw on the porches. Others could not be folded. I have known and loved the newspaper for years.
Now we have learned that our local daily newspaper will soon be delivered only three days a week, not seven. However, it will be available for sale on those other days, and also available on the internet.
Our paper today I think is rather typical. It included various stories including a high school choir accompanist and church organist who is accused of "inappropriate conduct" with students.
Also on the first page was a story about our Winter Sports Complex struggling with a lack of snow (5 inches so far) plus thieves who stole $5,000 worth of copper wiring and vandals causing $1,350 worth of damage to lights at the facility.
Page two included Cut Social Security Now, quoting a candidate for public office. Made me wonder how we ol' timers would be affected if Congress had given an IOU with interest to the S.S. funds it "borrowed."
Page three told about a conviction for gunning down two men in broad daylight over two years ago. It also told about a Township struggling with dumping on its public land (tires, beer bottles and other garbage) used by people who ride all-terrain vehicles, hunt and hike.
Now you may wonder why I am a newspaper fan. I at times wonder the same thing. Our rather small town newspaper has suffered a shrinking subscriber base, rising costs, competition from sources that didn't exist years ago, and our "paper boy" (who is a grown adult) may not continue delivering papers. Yes, there is good news as well as news only available in a local newspaper, whether daily, weekly or monthly. If all disappear, my senior moment would be devastating.
Let me close with yesterday's local newspaper. Its headline Plea From the Water 'Save Me' tells of a couple who were traveling on icy roads when the truck in front of them lost control, went "end over end" into a ten-foot pond. The driver of a van stopped, ran back to help. He returned to his van, grabbed a jack to pound ice from the door and cut the seat belt.
Meanwhile his wife called 9-1-1 and help arrived just after the driver had rescued the trucker, a woman who certainly would have drowned. The responders took her under their care and the hero and his wife drove home.
A week later, his mother whom they had just visited, called our local newspaper with the story of the anonymous rescuer. The paper wisely printed the story. Stories like this keep me reading the local newspaper. Long live the printed news, and don't forget. We need all the good news we can get.
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Dan Seagren is an active retiree whose writings reflect his life as a Pastor, author of several books, and service as a Chaplain in a Covenant Retirement Community. • E-mail the author (su.nergaesnad@brabnad*) • Author's website (personal or primary**)* For web-based email, you may need to copy and paste the address yourself.
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Posted: March 25, 2012 Accessed 223 times
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