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Category: Life Events / Topics: Change • Coping • Learning • Wisdom
The Unexpected
by Dan Seagren
Posted: July 18, 2020
Learning to expect it…
If anything, many of us do not pay as much attention to the Unexpected as we should. While browsing recently in a local newspaper, here are a few unexpected events that made the news.
WE LOST OUR WHOLE TOWN. Flooding began on May 17 and people fled their village. On the 19th a dam collapsed and the water of its lake was released and ran into another lake which then spilled over its dam and overtook a village unexpectedly flooding that town. One owner had lived in the town for 35 years and never experienced a flood, but now water rose to the ceiling rendering her building beyond repair.
Due to the ongoing virus in 2020 a major league rookie would lose 47 % of his salary but two multimillionaire stars would lose 77% under a sliding scale proposed by big league teams. Who would have guessed this, cried the unhappy players.
Next to this article was one that stated during this crisis, many have taken up surprising hobbies that under normal conditions they never would have considered.
I turned the page and the husband of the State Governor who had planned to get his boat into the water was told the workers were already booked for the Holiday weekend. He thought it would get a laugh but it didn’t. Its Headline: FIRST GENTLEMAN’S INTENDED JOKE SINKS LIKE A ROCK.
Another article: BUDGET CUTS WOULD HURT the Police Department. These cuts seemingly would work to reform the police but others felt that they would hinder the role of the police in the long run. That may not have been an unexpected response – but shows the potential for unintended consequences.
True, it is difficult or impossible to always anticipate the unexpected but the longer we live, the more likely we've had enough experience to expect the unexpected. .
I personally never thought while in the Navy and then College that I would be a College Teacher, Youth Worker, Pastor, Chaplain, Author (25 books published) and an International Minister. Nor that I would get a bonus virus check from Uncle Sam because my taxable salary was below the maximum allowed.
As we look back on our lives, we will discover failures and successes, wrong roads taken and beautiful unexpected drives. But that’s life, is it not?
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Dan Seagren is an active retiree whose writings reflect his life as a Pastor, author of several books, and service as a Chaplain in a Covenant Retirement Community. • E-mail the author (su.nergaesnad@brabnad*) • Author's website (personal or primary**)* For web-based email, you may need to copy and paste the address yourself.
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Posted: July 18, 2020 Accessed 465 times
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