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Senior Moments
Category: Aging, General / Topics: Choices and Decision Making • Lifestyle, General • Optimal Aging
Things Preferred
by Dan Seagren
Posted: November 15, 2009
Senior moments can be pleasurable moments…
I've penned innumerable senior moments unlike the proverbial "senior moment" of forgetfulness (Where did I put my keys?). I've listed a few common occurrences that could make my day when they occur. In a sense, they are like senior moments but can be pleasurable moments for any age. Your list no doubt would be different than mine or anyone else. Go ahead and see which of these might create a good feeling for you.
- People who don't text while driving and who use their turn signals
- Fathers having fun with their children in public places (like parks and supermarkets).
- Neighbors who recycle (so rare in many neighborhoods).
- Politicians more interested in their constituents than themselves.
- News media that try successfully to portray a balanced agenda.
- Seniors (and others) who ought to give up driving and do so.
- People (of all ages) who refuse to drink and drive.
- Pilots who dislike long delays on the tarmac.
- Teachers who thoroughly enjoy teaching.
- Couples who make separation the last resort, not the first.
- Religious leaders who stick with the basics.
- Mothers who mother (not smother) their children.
- Law enforcement officers who honor the law.
- Voting machines that record votes accurately.
- Weather forecasters who allow for probable conditions.
- Clerks (of many kinds) who smile unprompted.
- Youth who say no to drugs.
- Citizens who invite panhandlers to lunch.
- Drivers who always stop for pedestrians at intersections.
- Grannies who put all ingredients in recipes they share.
These are only a few of life's options that could trigger a favorable response when observed. In a sense, these are the kinds of things that have inspired "senior moments" over the years. Yes, there are more to come so keep an eye on these columns. And on your surroundings.
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Dan Seagren is an active retiree whose writings reflect his life as a Pastor, author of several books, and service as a Chaplain in a Covenant Retirement Community. • E-mail the author (su.nergaesnad@brabnad*) • Author's website (personal or primary**)* For web-based email, you may need to copy and paste the address yourself.
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Posted: November 15, 2009 Accessed 190 times
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