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Category: Communication / Topics: Communication Language, Meaning

What If?

by Dan Seagren

Posted: December 4, 2020

Pondering one of the biggest words in our vocabulary…

IF may be one of the biggest words in our vocabulary. Check the thesaurus first: assumption, given, hypothetical, postulate, premise, presumption, presupposition, suppositions and more. Then a definition: an uninfected linguistic form that joins together sentences, clauses, phrases, or words. If is one of several conjunctions (links) like and or but. Typical usages: If it would only rain.. . I asked if the mail had arrived. . . I doubt if I will pass the course. 

Now let's examine some real ifs of today.

What if you visited a physician and the nurse took your weight and blood pressure and the physician ordered a pill and sent you to an expert three visits in a row?

What if you paid your taxes, the bank debited your account, and then the government sent you a letter that the tax was not paid including a penalty? 

What if your bank sent you a new credit card and said it would send a password in 3-4 days and after a month it never arrived?

Ok, you get the point. Let's move on to some more ifs.

What if the news media where you live had about 7 major news stations and six favored one political party and only one favored the other. party. Would that favor an election involving both parties? Would it depend on the power of the Big Tech news media and how it influences voting? Are the News Media committed to truth and accuracy in all of their journalism? What if that is not a requirement?

How about one more iffy question? What if a nation determined that about 70% of its people claimed to be Christians but about 30% of them were not involved nor did they attend church? These estimations are reflected by numerous studies: Protestantism (43%) Catholicism (23%) Mormonism (2%) Judaism (2%) Islam (1%) Hinduism (1%) Buddhism (1%) Other religions (3%) Unanswered (2%).. Would this country be considered a Christian Nation: Catholic, Protestant, Independents or would it be considered a Religious Nation?

If about 94% is a reasonably accurate figure of those who answered "religious" people, would that make it a Religious Nation or a Christian Nation . . . with its 66%? But what if some would insist A Secular (commoners) Country? Yet if enough others prefer no Title for the Country?

If asked, what would you say? What if you identified this "Nation"?

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Dan Seagren is an active retiree whose writings reflect his life as a Pastor, author of several books, and service as a Chaplain in a Covenant Retirement Community.

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Posted: December 4, 2020   Accessed 606 times

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