Resource Center
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Health & Wellness
16 records found
A government website that stresses the importance of increasing physical activity no matter what you weigh.
posted Jan-10-07 updated Apr-27-15
Promoting public conversation concerning health in our states, as well as providing information to facilitate citizen, communmity and group participation.
posted Apr-28-10 updated Apr-27-15
"The American Diabetes Association is the nation's leading 501(C)3 nonprofit charity providing diabetes research, information and advocacy."
posted Dec-15-07 updated Apr-27-15
"Maximize your fat loss and muscle-building results with the innovative training information of"
posted Mar-2-09 updated Apr-27-15
The primary purpose of MediGuard is to promote better communication and research about drug safety. (formerly iGuard)
posted Sep-28-08 updated Apr-27-15
MedicAlert® services are built around a repository of health information that enables members to manage their personal health records while maintaining security, privacy and confidentiality.
posted Mar-2-09 updated Apr-27-15
A wealth of resources for clergy (but applicable to others, as well) from the Evangelical Lutheran Church
posted Jan-10-07 updated Apr-27-15
A professional site that provides a national forum focused on efforts to reduce the impact of chronic diseases and their risk factors on states and communities nationwide.
posted Sep-23-08 updated Apr-27-15
The assisted living voice of the American Health Care Association (AHCA).
posted Mar-2-09 updated Apr-27-15
Clergy Self-Care & the Psychological Aspects of Ministry (Many articles applicable to a broader audience)
posted Jan-10-07 updated Apr-27-15
Founded in 1994, Shape Up America! is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization committed to raising awareness of obesity as a health issue and to providing responsible information on healthy weight management.
posted Apr-27-15 updated Apr-27-15